Formulation and execution of the judicial
ruling with technological support

This section includes tools that are used to support the judge in his decision making. Also included are those tools that, although they can intervene in the previous stages, extend to the phase of formulation and execution of judicial decisions.
a) Resolution
Judicial Information Search Systems

These systems made up of interconnected databases allow judges and lawyers to have access to jurisprudence, legislation, sentences, as well as to find statistics on types of cases.
Good Practices:
Online trials

These electronic platforms allow the resolution of certain processes completely online, from the lawsuit submission to its resolution. In addition, users can present promotions, consult agreements and files remotely. Generally, the judicial processes that can be resolved in this way are not contentious and are relatively simple.
Good Practices:
b) Execution
Transfers for receipt and payment of pensions

These tools offer users the possibility of receiving and delivering alimony payments decreed by the judges through the use of electronic bank transfers.
Good Practices:
Electronic warrants in order to communicate resolutions and make requirements

Some judicial powers have developed electronic warrant systems in order to make the communication of requirements and the execution of resolutions faster and more efficient with courts in the same judicial power, courts of other states and/or other public institutions.
Good Practices:
Criminal management system for the registration of attendance of the accused who enjoy the benefit of release on bail

These tools allow people who enjoy the benefit of bail to send photographic evidence to prove that they are in a specific place, thus replacing the obligation to go to court to sign.
It is being implemented in:
This website has been created with the support of Tinker Foundation, United States Agency for International Development, Center for International Private Enterprise, and Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom. The information presented on this page is not official information from the United States Government, and does not necessarily reflect the views or position of the aforementioned organizations. Its content is the exclusive responsibility of México Evalúa, Center for Public Policy Analysis.